Animation - Videogames - Characters - Pretentious - Grandma - Evil



Character examples, pretentious
Animation - Videogames - Characters - Pretentious - Grandma - Evil

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
2nd april 2022. My dearest Olive, It's no secret. I take celebrating rather seriously so seriously. In fact, I recently raised a glass with kate spade, new york for the launch of celebrate that. A book on celebrating. You're undoubtedly asking how one celebrates a book on celebrating. The answer with style. I've been waiting on this Darn Airport security line for let me see here. Oh, Jeez, almost an hour and 45 minutes, you know, but Jeez, I even showed up two hours early. I thought this would be enough time, you know, cripes. My daughter couldn't bake a birthday cake to save your life. Congratulations. Now, you can take the most terrifying ride of your life. You've been walking around here so calmly. But now the fun is over. Come back when you find the tokens and then you'll experience true terror. For now take this. It may be helpful.