General Demo 2018

Video Narration


General Demo fresh for 2018.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, kid, School is cool. Before you know it, you'll be going to l. A and have a double macchiato. Andi, At the cafe you'll meet this girl a musician. So now you're in a band And hey, maybe you guys will become freaking superstars in Japan. I'm all chilling out here. After a show, you'll come up with a killer idea, a business idea that these guys will love. We don't even know what it is yet because it's a future thing on awesome thing. Everyone will want one high five kid on Thanks for travelling s a s at Zurich. We have created a centre of excellence where a dedicated team with a deep regulatory understanding and industry experience tracks every single financial regulation your FM rial music, your FM's number one breakfast show June in weekdays from six till 10 a.m. In the place where training time turns into adventure. Trainees Brewster, Koko and Wilson are back to take on new tasks. Master new challenges on DH learn some of life's important lessons along the way.