Pro Commercial Demo 2019

Video Narration


Various Commercial reads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
over the last two years, I've learned that I'm quite determined. I've learned that I can concentrate. Even when the kids were arguing, I've learned that I'm more ambitious than I thought. I wass and I've learned that I actually liked learning. The most important thing you will learn in the open university is what you're capable off to find out more. Search for low you life changing learning. This is food. Freedom is the freedom to get comfortable when your food is delivered to cause a little food. Envy Tunica chip or defend it to order the same thing every Saturday night. To be inventive to change your dinner plans, order what you want, where you want when you want to deliver food Freedom. We believe it's the best four door coupe A in the world. If it's not, there are now more than 50 international awards. We'd better give back. Jang Kyu rxf Critically acclaimed result of a very different way of thinking. Experienced extraordinary difference on Jang Gyu, a Dakota UK Twinings English breakfast tea. Full bodied, it shouldn't be rushed. Enjoy it over a relaxed breakfast to return to the real you. Twinings gets you back to you whether your business is small or large. Your ambitions for it are always big on. So are ours. That's why, no matter what size your business, we have local business relationship managers who will help you along the way. So with us in your corner, the sky's the limit. Santander, here to help your business prosper at ancestry. We have more family history records online than anyone else to help you find your long lost relatives. Start by filling in what you know, then see who you uncover. Ancestry dot co dot UK Who will you discover?