Faith Hunter Sample 1

Profile photo for Faith Hunter
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This provides 3 different recordings

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm your I fit trainer, Faith Hunter. We're here in Panama for if it's Hatha yoga series. This program is designed to connect you to nature and all your senses will cultivate strength and flexibility while maintaining a sense of calm from the exotic coastlines to the dense magical jungles. Panama offers one of the world's most biodiverse regions. We'll explore the beaches of Isla san Jose, the mountains of Cherokee and the wonderful vistas along the way, searching for unique moments of welcome to a guided meditation practice to nourish the body and mind. Each meditation focuses on chakra. Energy chakras are intersection points between physical unconscious awareness within all beings. These energy centers govern specific glands and organs. My name is Faith Hunter and I'm delighted to share shades of the soul. A meditation series. This three part series complements my shades of the Soul, a meditation journal. If you don't have the journal, a link is provided in the description but you can always find value in these meditations Without the journal, please know these short meditations can be experienced anytime anywhere. Thanks so much for listening and enjoy. Like many young girls, I had a diary, it was a sacred notebook where I would record my deepest fears and wildest hopes Before the mid 80s, my diary included small daily occurrences and epic dreams, but when my brothers were diagnosed with