Side Quest Extrodinare

Profile photo for Faux Synder
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The character I play in this video game is the younger sister of the protagonist. One day, while collecting flowers for yet another side quest, the conversation goes to that of the fantastical, and the younger sister is more than happy to give her two-cents on the matter....Whether her older sister wants it or not.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
uh, collecting flowers again, huh? Come on. We spend almost every day in the forest filled magical anomalies, and we're still collecting stupid flowers. Actually, that doesn't sound too bad after all. Or story is supposed to be about adventure, awesomeness and fun. You're saying it is. If you wouldn't like that. I guess there's no way to have a peaceful and comfortable life in a world like this anyway. Think about it. If there's an infinite number of universes you can travel to someplace you've always wished to be in. I wish it doesn't work like that. If you wish for something that happen, you mustn't do it with a store Falls. You have to go for it yourself, not just stand around and do nothing. Just because you wish for it, you have to work for it.