Video Game Demo Reel

Profile photo for Faux Synder
Not Yet Rated


A demo reel produced by Tony Wijs showcasing a number of characters, accents, and voices in a video game interactive format.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Can you believe the nerve of that old bat? Can't you see? I have more important things to do than helping her to her car with her groceries. Where has the etiquette gone. I have half a mind petition the duke to seize her house. Don't start with me, basil. You know, I'm no good without my morning tea. Be a good man and fetch it for me, would you? That's far enough. Jack. Drop your guns and dismount the horse. Don't try to run. My deputies are surrounding you as I speak. You're under arrest for bank robbery and the murder of the spare evil sheriff. Deputy jones hauled him off to jail just because I'm 10. Doesn't mean I can't help. I've learned to mix a couple of potions and I'm really good hider. Real good hider. Hey, I'll hide in the back of the truck. They won't make it without my help. I need you to take the King's letter to the monks of the hills. They have to get their vitality elixir back to the castle to save the prince. The letter cannot be delayed any further. Don't look at me like that. Off you go. I'm 90 80% sure we'll be fine. All we gotta do is climb that 500 ft cliff to the east. There, fire the grappling hook across the gourd zip across! Said gourd and stop ourselves before we break all our bones smashing into the other cliff! Piece of cake? I know, sweetheart. Look what they did to him. There has to be a cure something. I can't do this. I refused to live in a world full of the undead.