The Book of Drugs

Profile photo for Maxwell Feinstein
Not Yet Rated


An excerpt from Mike Doughty's The Book of Drugs. I am affecting mannerisms of the author to capture the spirit of the author's narration.

This demo is dry

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my lungs weakened. I had so little breath that I would routinely have a panic choking fight for air just by standing up from a chair too quickly. I like to leap up in pace whenever I get a good idea. So creativity was hazardous. I couldn't stand all the way up right? I shuffled half bent. It took me 10 minutes to cross my tiny apartment **** and returned to bed. It took half an hour to go down the stairs of my building. I walked backwards, gripping the rail as if I were descending an out. I never connected this with the $300 worth of dope I was sniffing daily. I was 29 I thought, Well, 29 you know, getting older. The body starts shutting down. Seriously, I thought this. There was a Jennifer Lopez video that was on all the time. Synopsis. Jennifer Lopez, a carefree girl from the Bronx, goes and picks up her paycheck at a beauty parlor, then gets on the train and heads out on the town with her friends laughing. The video bewildered me. I knew just from passive pop culture consumption that she was one year older than me. How is she able to do this to function? It was about four blocks to the bank machine. Every day I beeped Greg and then headed for the stairs 30 minutes down in thin one block down Ludlow Street, which was transitioning from a discount market. Acetic Jewish guys in their black hats and quasi 19th century garb selling knockoff leather goods to a groovy people playground. I felt invisible on the street. Maybe life was moving around me so much faster than I was that I was invisible. Most likely, though, people were just averting their gaze from this guy who was clearly dying. I didn't look like a dope fiend, more like a cancer patient.