Felicia Greenfield Primary Commercial Reel

Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
perfect skin. It begins with Loreal. New Age. Perfect Moisturizer are micro be technology. Keeps your skin soft for over 12 hours. Go beyond hydration and feel how soft your skin can be. So some cars go like room room. Other cars go like catching good kitchen. Good catch. Inca, My car. Perfectly quiet, Nissan Leaf Electric Rocks. The next time your phone contract expires, take a look at next tell. They offer special services for the small business honor like yourself. Oh, and there are no contracts. Take a delicious moment for yourself. Dove chocolate bites. Go ahead. You've earned it, even if you haven't. He's such a dog. He eats me out of house and home, never picks up after himself and constantly needs affection. I wouldn't have it any other way. Petfinder dot com You, when you're raising a family is hard to find. Time to go grocery shopping. Wal Mart now delivers everything from the store to my door. Thanks, Wal Mart