Documentary Narration - varied clients



Last Woman standing - an 8 part documentary about a competition with 5 athletes
Istanbul - a look at the history of the city
Aids - a documentary about the disease and its effects and possible cures.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's one of the greatest cities the world has ever known and the only cities than in two continents. For over a millennium, it was the capital of the entire civilised world. Greeks built it as Byzantium. The Romans changed it to Constantinople. Today, this exotic and enchanting city is known as Istanbul. This programme looks at the origins of AIDS, from transmission and symptoms to awareness and how British scientists are working with scientists from around the world to find an effective long term treatment. According to the United Nations, there's an estimated 40 million people living with HIV in the world today. Five female athletes have accepted the challenge of a lifetime to travel the world and compete against the most remote tribes on Earth On their own, I get that all five women are masters in their chosen field. European boxing champion Leslie brings power and aggression. Water sports junkie Anna delivers balance and stamina. Essex Girl Alex is a fitness guru on the baby of the bunch