Geoffrey Newland ITV Continuity reel, warm, genuine, deep, friendly, trustworthy, sexy, velvety

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sam Neill stars in the true storey of Howard Carter's epic quest to find the Tomb of the Boy King. Now innit. TV ENCORE with some nudity. It's Tutankhamun. We hit the East End of London now, innit? V encore with bloody images of torture and violence from the start. On throughout, it's White Chapel. We showcase the very best of entertainment across the channels Sun, Sea and plenty of sand in all. New Ban a dormant nine on TV. Don't miss a young Morris in Endeavour on I. T. V three at eight and stay with TV Encore Sean Bean stars as we step into the darkness for The Frankenstein Chronicles at 11. Now a knight of the encore, our suave sleuth returns to his native Belgium May know investigating the chocolate box. It's Poirot. We showcase the very best of entertainment across the channels with Britain's brightest family on TV at eight head overto TV three at seven. From Murder, she wrote and stay with us son i TV ENCORE Sam Neill stars in the true storey of Howard Carter's epic quest to 10 commune at nine