Conversational - bank teller, helpful, trustworthy

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A conversation about a bank teller explaining how he helped a customer in a perilous situation,Conversational - bank teller, helpful, trustworthy

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
and one was a regular in the branch for a long time, but she suddenly stopped coming in or account, then appeared on our overdraft report. Now the overdraft wasn't a large amount, but since it was the first overdraft, I reached out to her and seemed confused about the overdraft and then asked me to look into it further and said she would come in in the next day to go over it. In reviewing Ann's account, it looked like somebody else was probably using her account. There are online payments and purchases at retail stores that didn't make sense for what I knew about. And when an arrived at the bank with her son, I worried that he may be responsible for the unusual activity. After talking to an and her son, it was apparent that and was experiencing some cognitive decline and that her son also had some disabilities. I didn't think and wanted to charge her son with anything, but I felt like I needed help. I decided to report the situation to adult protective services. I was happy to hear that A P S was able to get into a better living situation, and her son was able to get the help he needed