WARRIOR ORB - TRAILER - funny - humorous - amusing - story teller

Profile photo for Graeme Best
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Movie Trailers


Trailer I did for the video game Warrior Orb.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You might think you're having a bad day, but just take a look at mine. I woke up in a ball body. I had a quick shot. I decided to skip the shower. This time I made a deal with a fella to find three artifacts, push some rocks, fix the pipes, fought some gollum's faced the drones. But then I was summoned back. I survived a mass invasion, avoided a deadly trap and a second trap. And uh, then I tried again. I died in spikes. I was hit by a meteor killed by a laser eaten by a chest. Hit by a train killed by some fish scorched, exploded. God! Is there actually anything here that doesn't want to kill me? Okay, I've got it. It's a monday.