Storm Watters - Animation Character Demo - severe, strict, villain, funny, accent, kid, nasal, mom, elderly, granny, obnoxious, nosy, bratty



Storm Watters - Animation Character Demo - severe, strict, villain, funny, accent, kid, nasal, mom, elderly, granny, obnoxious, nosy, bratty

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Upper Midwest - Fargo, Minnesota) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
get off the computer. I said no computer. You kids are addicted to the Internet. You're sick, Do you understand? Sick with high their neighbors. I'm Alice, and I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. I live right next door with my twin against Eddie and Daddy. I brought some shepherd's pie. It's gato friendly. My name is Margaret. And yes, I'm human. But don't hold that against me. So long Monsters have been living in the shadows, but not anymore. Stand up. Wave your hand or claw tentacle in one of her. It's your rights to be scary. Well, since you two babies or brothers now, I guess you're gonna need me to be your big sister. Of course. Then I'll have to show you how to pretend. Cry? Maybe if you're real nice to meet you Steal cookies Way must really be flying high. Those people down there look all tiny and blurry. Just like the inside of a cataract pain way. All still feel pain and pain can break anyone. Tell me, how did you survive? Who is your master who laid down his life for yours? Do you remember his last words and final breath before he died? Loni, you want a mommy rocket ride here? Way