

Character and animation demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US South) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, it's funny. I've been pulling your strings since this all began. And you had no high deer, but I knew the whole time that you were destined for failure. I told you I could catch the weevil. I just had to think like a weevil, which was easy because they're always trying to weave a lot of things. Hey, I wonder if that's where that comes from. A me lad. Tis indeed a sad state of affairs that brought you to me ship, hand me mercy. But if you don't be sharing where you hid the gold, you'll be cleaved to the brisket. My grandfather, for all his faults was a wise man at times. He often said, the ocean comes up to a drunk man's knees, but a puddle comes up to his ears. Of course, grandfather liked his vodka boy, that is some dig right there. I tell you what, I almost didn't get the little critter. He was all down and I thought, oh, he might be serving me for dinner. I know what the map says, but I've been there before and I can get us there again. I might be tiny in size, but I am huge and bravery now. Where was I? Oh, yes, yes, I remember it like it was yesterday because it was yesterday convenient. I was in the old elm tree looking for my dentist racket as I'd looked everywhere else and come up empty