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Samples of my voice in various different commercials and promos.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
up next. All new episodes of SpongeBob Square pants on Lee on Nick. Once opponent tie Ben had a code using dry tissues was getting quite old. He didn't like the way they felt on his nose and how things go flying whenever he blows. Hey, buddy, You hungry? Yeah. You want a bowl of delicious Beneful? Ah, well balanced, All natural blend of all the vitamins and nutrients you need or this heavy bag dry, tasteless hash I just picked up for you. Oh, easy there, fellow. Don't miss the new season of Supernatural Starting this Friday at 98 Central only W When you're taking that dream family vacation. The best way to go is with that dream family vehicle with all new AI breaking integration. Three new Ford Fusion is the safest vehicle on the road. But since I didn't brush my teeth with Colgate Max fresh toothpaste, this is how it went. Hey, my name is it's that easy to get a flu shot and make a difference. So swing by your local Walgreen's today Walgreens at the corner of happy and helping bring any used game system into a game stop near you this weekend and receive twice the credit any other stores offering Gamestop bringing power to the players