Audiobook Demo 2 - Exciting, Engaging, Sultry



This is a sample of my narration from Tempest: An Alien Warrior Romance by Kyra Snow & Miranda Bridges available on Amazon and Audible. In this audiobook, I was able to use my vocal skills to engage the listener and give the lead character a lot of personality from dry wit to sultry intimate scenes.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
tempest written by Miranda Bridges and Kyra snow narrated by heather set, slur and BJ Ashraf, I'm naked and afraid not the Tv show like for real and it's ******* scary. I take a deep breath in an attempt to calm my erratic breathing and heart rate. But it doesn't work. If anything I'm getting closer to hyperventilating, Damn it to ****! I grumble, pressing my palm's to the clear dome above me. My pod, the tiny home I've been cryogenically asleep in for who knows how long is stationed amid a jungle. Apparently this is my destination. But I kind of pictured the Torah is sending me somewhere that was more space. Like not that I wanted to be abducted and sold by aliens in the first place, but that didn't stop it from happening and now that I'm here wherever the **** that is. I find myself curious despite my terror. I shoved that feeling aside, curiosity killed the cat and satisfaction will not bring it back. It brings death and trouble. Nothing else. Much to my surprise, the lid easily moves. Once I push it and there's a suction noise that follows as the air from inside seeps out. I'm eager to get out of this contraption because it's confining and the unknown doesn't sit well with me. I'm no snow white. Not only am I naked with hair that is auburn instead of black, but I'm not just going to sit in a glass case and wait for Prince charming to come and rescue me not even if he's a hot alien. I sit up once the dome is completely erect and peer around, keeping my ears attuned to any abnormal sound that's not well jungle like when nothing jumps from behind the nearby trees or slithers down along vines, I ease into a standing position, not quite ready to leave the security of my pod until I'm sure it's relatively safe to do so. Whether it's seconds or minutes, the time that passes feels like hours as I wait for something to happen or for someone to show up.