
Profile photo for Helen Millar
Not Yet Rated


Extract from Cold Comfort Farm

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
waiting from the taxi to the house she saw the door had already been opened by Mrs Smiling is Butler Snell Er, who was looking down upon her with dim approval. Hey, wass, she reflected almost rudely like a tortoise, and she was glad her friend kept Nana's pet so they might have suspected mockery. Mrs. Smiling was a small Irish woman of 26 years where the fair complexion, large grey eyes and a little crooked nose, and she had two interests in life. One was the imposing of reason and moderation into the bosoms of some 15 gentlemen of birth on DH fortune who were madly in love with her and who had flown to such remote places. It's Dong Sanlu Lake moolah moolah because of her refusal to marry them. She wrote to them all once a week, and they, as her friends, knew to their cost, for she was ever reading aloud long, boring bits from their letters wrote to her these gentlemen, because of the hard work they did in savage foreign parts and of their devotion to Mrs Smiling, well known collectively as Mary's pioneers. Oh, a quotation from the spirited poem by Walt Whitman, Mrs Smiling. Second interest was her collection of Brazil's and his search for a perfect one. She was reputed to have the largest and finest collection of these garments in the world. It was hoped that on her death it would be left to the nation.