The History of World UFO Day

Profile photo for Henry Cogo
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Young Adult (18-35)


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The truth is out there. Welcome to cinnamon vibrations and today we'll be learning more about World UFO Day every year. At July 2nd, UFO and Alien enthuses, gather toe, look up. This quirky holiday was first observed in 2001 so people have been watching the sky for unidentified flying objects for century. Originally, there were to date to celebrate UFO. June 24th was one of these dates, and it was selected to coincide with the date of the first widely reported, citing over Mount Rainier. Washington In 1947 however, July 2nd was finally chosen as the official date because it's connection of the infamous Roswell UFO conspiracy. Strange debris was found in the desert near this New Mexico town in 1947 and that incident inspired extensive media coverage. Some say that it was an aircraft from outer space, while the government maintains the wreckage was a weather. But either way, the incident connected Roswell with Alien more, and it sparked a worldwide fascination with UFO's and aliens. The man tell UFO incidents of early 1948 involved expected pilot who died in the pursuit of what he described as an unidentified flying object. In 1952 a Siris of unidentified bright lights appeared in the sky over Washington, D. C. Following that, Martians became a cultural phenomenon. Early film, like the day the Earth Stood Still, The War of the World and Invasion of the Body Snatchers showed human interest and fear in the subject. This was followed by television series like Star Trek and Loss in Space that showed outer space and showed encounters between human and alien life forms. Finally, lovable creatures like E. T. And My Favorite Martian, as well as Mork from Ork showed us perhaps aliens should not be feared. Aliens and UFO appearances in pop culture Onley increased with time and really life sightings have not slowed down. The general public rarely catches when of UFO sightings, and when they do, their quickly explained away. Statistically, there's a good chance that intelligent life exists somewhere in the universe. Whether or not you believe this. July 2nd is a great opportunity to get a group together, toe, look to the skies and search for something unexplainable