Bruce Horlick-AudioBook-Business-Entertainment



Internet Audio Book, classic story about entertainment legend Jimmy Durante from PR Man, Aaron D. Cushman. I love narrating any biographical material, especially for people who were born between 1880 and 1930.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Jimmy Durante nose to nose with turtle wax. Jimmy Durante was another incredible draw for the shape pre his, including Crew. Teen drove me nuts. I couldn't stop laughing. Jimmy was also one of the nicest, most genuine people I've ever worked with in show business. He came to town annually with at least six beautiful chorus girls, and he knew exactly how and when toe work them into his act. Always looking for ways to tie the Shays attractions in with our commercial clients, Sherm often I concocted an idea we felt was a natural promotion between Jimmy Durante and Turtle Wax. Turtle Wax is a wax enamel use primarily for automobiles. It's been well advertised for years, but at the time the company had branched out into household items In 1953. The auto enamel finish was their anchor product and sure managed the account for the Cushman agency at the three way intersection of Madison, Ogden and Ashland streets. Atop a 12 story edifice, Turtle Wax built a giant glass turtle designed to help Chicagoans to better anticipate the weather by changing its color. With each revision in the climate, the electrified turtle was scheduled to be turned on for the first time on the day that dovetailed with Jimmy Durante's engagement at the Chez since the Turtle and Durante represented the two biggest noses in town, we wanted Jimmy to actually throw the switch that would like the turtle and to throw that switch with his nose. Jimmy seemed to get a kick out of the idea and agreed to go along with it. Sherman and I discussed the plan with the city desk in each major newspaper in town and got nothing but enthusiastic responses and promises to send photographers and reporters to cover the story and interview Durante. The stunt were scheduled for noon on the morning of the event Ice in Sherm to the Drake Hotel, where Jimmy always stayed. Sherm was to pick him up and have him at the site at 11:45 a.m. and about that time Sherm was back at the site. But no Jimmy. He told me he could not reach Jimmy, that Jimmy had placed a hold on his phone and the hotel clerk refused to ring his room, and with the media beginning to rumble, we both went back to the hotel. I demanded to see the manager, and when I explained the situation, he relented in rang Jimmy's room. There was no answer. Now he was genuinely concerned and decided to take up passkey and check the room out himself as he put the key into the lock and headed into the room. Sherman, I were hot on his tail. We couldn't believe our eyes. Jimmy was stretched out on a couch in the sweets, living room sound asleep in his underwear. In every corner of the room lay one of the chorus girls in Braun panties. They, too, were sound asleep. It looked like the second Battle of the Bulge. It was clear Durant. He wasn't going to rub noses with anything but the sand man. Sherman, I got back in a cab, returned to the site and apologized to the media. We told them that we goofed, that there had been some confusion in Mr Durante schedule. Another lesson. We must always protect our clients