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Short VO example

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Please tell us a story. Tell us a story. Please, please, please. Oh, come on. We want a story, build the adventure in you with New Lego Marvel superheroes. Each set sold separately. There's a creature hiding in these woods, a huge hairy beast with giant fangs. You know the name Chupacabra. My mother, she knows so many things. Mom can find information and things as tiny and numerous as the dots in the night sky. My family and I love it and we make it all the time out of yogurt. My favorite part is helping my parents strain the yogurt until it gets really thick. I miss my little sister and brother. When we went into foster care, we couldn't all go to the same place. We get to talk on the phone sometimes, but we can't see each other or play like we used to.