Corporate Training Video

Profile photo for Jasen Corrente
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Video Narration


Voice over for internal sales training video for a Wood Processing company.

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some of the world's most profitable industries didn't always look as they do today, but modern technology changed all that. So why should the wood processing industry be any different as an industry? We've come a long way but there's still a predicament looming. Common industry challenges like unplanned downtime, productivity loss and quality control impact your bottom line and how quickly you can profit. In fact, most sawmills are operating at just 65% of optimal equipment performance, which means equipment failures are costing you. But what if the road to full profitability was illuminated by the glow of green lights from real time dashboards and monitors indicating full throughput with no one scheduled downtime? Imagine if you could head into work each day confident of meeting or exceeding production success metrics as well as your customers expectations At b. i. d. our goal is to make that dream a reality and help you realize the remaining 35% of operating benefits operate can make that happen and more operate is the purpose built solution. You need to gain critical visibility into production and asset health using real time data analytics and a rich array of insights and product reporting operate, gathers, analyzes and visualizes machine data to show you exactly how efficiently your equipment is running, which means you'll have the information you need to monitor the health of your machines, assess the quality of raw materials and compare performance between individual assets and across entire lines. No more manual inspections and scavenger hunts to find the root cause of your problem instead, just an easy reference of your operations. Dashboard with a straightforward view of what's happening at the machine level and across the manufacturing complex. Before going, digital was an all or nothing experience but operate was developed to accommodate your brownfield equipment, eliminating the need for all new machines and setting you up to scale on demand. Choosing operate means receiving more than just a solution built to your needs. We bring the sawdust in our boots to every customer facility and you'll get the benefits of a product designed by an industry expert who's walked in your boots, turn your data into profits with operate and bring your business into the future of wood processing.