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Profile photo for Jason McCoy
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Need a voice over talent for your Radio Station imaging? Sweepers, trailers, news opens, bumpers and promos, Jason McCoy does it all! Fully produced or just the dry voice over. Available on retainer or a one-time buyout.

Brand your station with a voice that stands out. Great voice over with our immediate turnaround time!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you're listening to the East and TJ Button powered by Papa John's. Nobody does what Papa does for the month of June. Get a 30% discount on all orders and 15% gets given the green kids use promo code Peace and T J 1067 K Jug Country wants you to cash in and that's no cow. Now back to the Merrill Morning Show where board is banned. This is the home of great music going and now 20 Soprano performing Aqualad in less than four seconds again for another episode of classic rock celebrity performances. Jason T. J Show Presents Day That song And for ever, ladies and gentlemen, it's the 1067 K Jug Country Countdown on 1067 K Jug Country. Your Chance to Win Coming up this hour on Lee from Mix one a 1.9 following piece of the Ace and T J show was taken out of context