Young Hipster - Cartoons

Profile photo for Jas Patrick
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Here are some examples of Jas playing quite young characters ranging from Generation Y hipsters to spoiled brats to teens to adolescents and lots more!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm like, Oh, really? I mean, if you're really serious, but like, Oh, my God. I mean, I don't care. It's like, you know, it's like Helly, but then, like whatever. Because it's like, Really? And I'm just like, I know I but like whatever. Okay, cause it's, like, really, isn't that right? Just one time I was I was hanging out and my my mom's boyfriend, Terry, came in and he said, Shut up. And I was like, Ok, hi. I I just I just want to say hello. I'm I'm a Virgo. Hello And thank you. I just I think you're I saw you from across the way with my eyes and I think you're really pretty things bump. No, sorry. No, I want to be Oh, I saw a real my form in the other day. Two legs and everything I have to say. I got pretty excited when she called me Daddy. Okay. Okay. You bro's for sure. No, this dude, right? Okay. You totally hung out with this guy. You thought this guy was like, totally like he's like shoes Moon, you sister Rose. Oh, you sis frills. No, this guy I know I love you more. No, I love you more. Oh, I love you more pukey. Oh, no, man. Like I'm told me not prepared for this, did I Was supposed to write something down. I know, I know, but they put into season a comedy Bang bang on Netflix. And what's the brother to dio, man? I went completely Turtle, bro. Cool. Dude, Don't get mad at me, man, please.