Creating a Gradient - WINstorm Help Portal

Profile photo for Jay MacKinnon
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This is the voice over for a video I did for WINstorm's help portal.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
To create a gradient. Go to the styles panel at the bottom of brand colors. Click the add gradient button, use the color boxes on the left and right ends to create a gradient. You can select any of the solid colors that are currently available in your brand colors. You can also select any of your available transparency options. The box at the top can be used to add an optional third color to go back to two colors. Set the top box to none. The gradient starts at a 90 degree angle. Use the wheel under the preview to change the angle when you are finished. Click save the gradient will now be available in your brand colors. This gradient can be used in the background of pages, cells, rows, buttons and emails in the change color pop up for said backgrounds. You can select gradients from the gradients tab. Please be advised that some older browsers and email clients do not support gradients. In such a case, the gradient will appear as the first solid color you picked.