UK - Intelligent, Warm, Dry, and Informative - Public Health Video

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A public health video dispelling misinformation and myths surrounding the Flu and the flu vaccine.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
flu myths, myth One. The flu vaccine doesn't work. This is not true. The flu vaccine does work how well it works can change from year to year. However, vaccination is still the most effective method. In addition to other personal protective measures to help prevent flu or reduce the severity of the disease. As recommended by important health organizations, myth to the flu is harmless. It's just like having a cold, Well, it's not symptoms of the flu. Like fever, cough and chills develop quickly. You'll feel exhausted and have to lie down. Complications from the flu can lead to even longer time off work. Hospitalizations or may even cause death mainly in high risk groups. MS three. The flu vaccine can give you the flu. This is not true. The virus is used in the flu vaccine have been treated so they cannot cause illness. This means they're not infectious and can't make you ill. Myth four, you will feel very unwell after getting the flu vaccine. Um, not really. The most common reaction after the flu vaccine is pain or swelling at the injection site. Other reactions can include a mild fever or muscle aches. Sometimes these reactions can be mistaken for the flu, but they aren't and they usually disappear without any treatment. Myth five. Antibiotics can treat the flu well, antibiotics are an effective way to treat bacterial infections, but because the flu infection is caused by viruses and not by bacteria, antibiotics can't do anything to find it. The best way to protect against the flu. In addition to other personal protective measures is to get vaccinated Myth six. The flu vaccine weakens your immune system. Hmm. Not really actually, The flu vaccine can help prepare your immune system to fight the flu virus by producing antibodies. Myth seven. If you got the flu vaccine or the flu last year, you can't catch it again this year. That's not true. The viruses that cause flu change frequently. So the flu vaccine is adapted every year to ensure it is matching the changing flu viruses. So it is recommended to get vaccinated with a new vaccine every year. MS eight. The flu is only dangerous if you're old. That's not true. The flu can affect anyone. It's not just the elderly that are at high risk, but also pregnant women, Children below five and people who are chronically ill, all of them risk serious health complications if they get infected. So it's important in addition to other personal protective measures that they get vaccinated flu symptoms are sudden and can be severe. influenza is caused by infection of the respiratory tract and symptoms include sudden onset of high fever, cough, usually dry headache, tiredness, chills, muscle and joint pain, mild to severe feeling of being unwell, malaise, sore throat, runny or blocked nose, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, diarrhea or upset stomach Fever usually resolves within 3-4 days and other symptoms usually within approximately seven days, cough can be severe and last two or more weeks. Most people recover from fever and other symptoms within a week without requiring medical attention. Personal protective measures to prevent flu apart from vaccination and anti viral treatment. The public health management includes personal protective measures like regular handwashing with proper drying of the hands, good respiratory hygiene covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing using tissues or masks and disposing of them correctly. Early self isolation of those feeling unwell, feverish and having other symptoms of influenza, avoiding close contact with sick people avoiding touching one's eyes, nose or mouth. Also, increased ventilation is considered helpful in reducing transmission of influenza virus, consult a health professional for medical advice.