Religious Christus Moment Christian Health Organization

Video Narration


Christus Health videos produced by Donald Thompson in Texas. Includes reciting Bible verses as well as uplifting Christian messages around Advent theme

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
after the angel Gabriel announced that mary would give birth to jesus Mary went to Judah to visit her relative Elizabeth, who was also pregnant? Mary greeted Elizabeth and john leapt for joy in Elizabeth's womb, mary and Elizabeth sang psalms of joy and praise as no one else witnessed this. Others attribute the words of the magnificat to mary and Elizabeth. In luke chapter one verses 46 to 55. What we called the canticle of mary starts with my soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my savior. Another translation begins with my soul magnifies the Lord. The soul feels joy. Happiness is not the same experience. It may not permeate the soul in the same way Brynn A Brown's research finds that joy is sudden and unexpected, felt as a deep connection with community or God and enlarges our views happiness is longer and the result of effort, environment or circumstances and weaker and more self absorbed than joy, mary and Elizabeth may have been happy, but it was joy that poured from their souls in the music industry. The construction and purpose of recording studios and stages are different studios are built to control and absorb sounds and reduce noise. No outside noise gets into a recording studio and the only reason sound gets out is the equip in the control room stages are almost the exact opposite. The stage is designed to amplify sounds. Musicians and audiences interact and reflect each other's emotions and messages? It's time for a status check. How do you react to others? Joy? Are you thinking about what to say next? Are you dis interested in it? Are you judging whether the person deserves it? Are you trying to one up their joy with the time you were joyous? Is your soul like a recording studio? How do you react? Do you let joy infuse your soul and live in it before sharing it with others? Do you connect with the wonder and awe of this often short lived emotion and experience? Do you ask the person for more details so you can both experience the feeling? Do you encourage and support the person in these times? Your soul may be like a stage where joy is magnified and shared. In these cases. If you're in the studio, try being on the stage, you can be the person to keep the concert going. And an extended, joyous encore is music to everyone's ears.