Commercial Demo - Casual, Upbeat, Friendly, Believable, Authentic,

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Casual, Upbeat, Friendly, Believable, Genuine, Trustworthy, conversational, believable, unscripted, genuine, convincing, trustworthy, reliable, true, credible, original, unique, accurate, dependable, factual, connection, off the cuff, personable, energetic

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US Upper Midwest - Fargo, Minnesota)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is Bella Bella wants to sell her bike. She already created a bike flip account. That's the right step. But now she needs photos. Not her greatest talent when you ride there's only your body your mind, your bike peel and scan and coke wristband on 20 ounce bottles. For chances to unlock unforgettable moments all summer long, enjoy summer, enjoy coca cola by by condiments, condom meat is in the house juicy Montreal style smoked meat on a sizzling beef patty. It's not squeezed on its layered on the Montreal style thick burger. Your mornings are what you make of them. All it takes is saying yes Starbucks morning. Yes, never know what dinos are hitting inside. R. D. X. Performance cannot be described in words. It's just a feeling the new 2022 Acura RdX wake up men, you're more than a job title. You're greater than the balance in the bank. Man. I need a job that fits my lifestyle and funds my gear. Working at Saint joe. Mcdonald's is more than just a paycheck. Watching the ground get bigger and bigger with no guarantees. It gives you a sense of freedom and from there there's no going back