History Channel - in show Narration - cool - dude - Jesse Carroll

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History Channel DOCUMENTARY - IN SHOW NARRATION - Backroad Truckers - Cool - Dude - Surfer - TV - Attitude

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
On an ice road. East of yellow knife in Canada's Northwest Territories. Hot shot driver, Dale Christensen is far from home. I've been doing this a long time. It's never been easy. It's really tough to be away from my family on the road. After four days of driving, he's finally closing in on his destination. A remote diamond mine accessible only by ice road. Dale's been dragged into a snow bank. Now something's wrong with this truck. ****. Back roads are etched across the landscape of Western Canada. Like the rugged gold rush trails that grew to become the highways of today. They're critical gateways for the industries they supply with the territory covering BC, Alberta, the Yukon and Northwest Territories. Barrier BC is ground zero for back road hot shotting and Big Donny Kleinfelter is the king. I'm the boss. I've been here in this 35 years. What's going on? How is that one? Unbelievable. But hot shotting isn't the only business in his empire on highway 23 in Southern British Columbia. Angela is pushing towards her destination. On her first hot shot for Big Don have devised a plan and the map has showed me a little bit of a shortcut might be part of an old highway. Angela's shortcut follows an old supply trail that used to bring goods and people to the booming mine town of Sanden and it could carve a big chunk of time off her trip. Once a booming silver mining town, Sandon BC is now virtually abandoned, needs the hot plate to repair a pipe feeding the hydroelectric generator. The 124 year old powerhouse was built during the silver rush to supply the town. Today, it delivers power directly to the grid.