Movie Recap Voiceover Channel

Profile photo for Jesse Gossett
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


These are some samples from my more popular videos on YouTube that I narrated.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The film starts on a college campus where Tree wakes up in a strange dorm room next to a guy she has never seen before. She gets a call from her dad and her ringtone announces her birthday, but she ignores it and just starts looking for her clothes. The guy shows her all of her stuff before saying that his name is carter and he brought her to his room last night on a hike in the beautiful wilderness of Alaska, home to the largest species of moose in the world. You're thrilled as you spot one of these beasts walking with its calf. However, the feeling doesn't seem to be mutual as the moose stares you down, you can feel your palms starting to sweat, backing away slowly in hopes that the moose loses interest. You accidentally trip seems to be listening for the big brand and there are chances that Rolex might have shot themselves in the foot incessant complaints and popular talks on controlled distribution and a structured shortage could mean some sort of trouble for the Rolex brand in the watch world. Well, if this is some form of strategy, we'll find out if it was a good one or a scheme that may end up doing more harm to the brand