Alaska Radio Ad Demo

Profile photo for Jesse Holt
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Radio Ad


A sample of Alaska advertisements.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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Every sea wolf in the pack needs a home, find yours with you a s new general housing scholarship. If you choose to live on campus next year, you're automatically eligible for a $1,000 per semester scholarship. Whether it's U. A. S. First year residential experience program, dedicated living learning communities or apartment style living, save time and money by living right next door to classes and essential resources, learn more and apply for housing today, looking for a fast paced job and the chance to earn money quickly join the nation's largest seafood industry and take on physically rewarding work that's dedicated to progressing Alaska's economy team up with other individuals committed to providing high quality products worldwide and earn a lot while doing it. Call the seafood employment office at 9072694746. Or visit jobs dot Alaska dot gov slash job fairs. To learn more. This message brought to you by the Alaska Department of labor and workforce development, an equal opportunity employer Kenai Fjords National Park was established in 1978 as a national monument by presidential proclamation, It was designated as a National Park in 1980, This popular 650,000 acre national park is dominated by the 700 square mile harding icefield that dates back to the last ice age. The fjords of the park were formed when glaciers flowed down to the sea from the ice field and then retreated, leaving behind the deep inlets that characterized the coastline