US Northern, Indian, Australian, British, Hispanic, Asian

Profile photo for Jesse Taitt
Not Yet Rated


This was a quick sample recorded on my iPhone to display my ability to not only speak with different accents, but to switch between accents with no script.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian British (General) Indian (Hindi)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, how you doing? My name is Rocky. I You know, I've been around working the stacks. I am not really sure. You know what? This is gonna work out for me or not, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I'm willing to give it a shot. Not a problem, sir. Whatever you like with over you, we can get rid anything. Discounted price. Perfect for you. Get on you, Mike. Let's go ahead and throw another shrimp on the baby. What a blog. I'll remember when we were back in the bush, I had a gator. If you've got a crop coming at me Oh, wow. I do say that is quite fascinating. I believe these stories are the things that I don't know what riveting for daily life. Oh, see, sir, it is very good. You see, I like to do the hard work. Oh, you like flying guys? I get to find out it's not their problem.