3rd Person narrator/Adult M/YA Female/YA male - thriller



Conflict between siblings in a police interview.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Now he'd gotten his finger on it this time. He caught the exact second. They both looked away. He pressed a little more keeping casual. Heard it happens all the time in some families. No real choice. You understand what I mean? He was watching the older one so intently glazed over. No longer up to looking anyone in the eye that he almost didn't see the girl nodding. Not often though. And you can stop staring at him. It was, I almost did. She stopped abruptly. But when Saul shifted his shocked gaze to her, she was glaring back. Then she answered the question. He hadn't figured out how to ask. I was smaller, figure it out. She paused again but couldn't check herself for long. He did. Saul was dumbfounded as much by the statement as by the fury behind it. But mccowan, a rookie who, as they all did for some reason came in his first day thinking he was already up for a promotion was surprisingly unfazed. He nudged the other detective bringing Saul's attention back to the brother. He was scowling at her in a way that clearly said whatever came next. It was nothing New. Let it go. Alana, she met the warning with a snarl and even more venom. Screw you. I was a kid too. I thought I was, all you were thinking about was protecting yourself. What was I supposed to do in sudden silence, Peter and the girl faced off. Well, this was different.