Drunk Man, 3rd person narrator



From a short horror story featuring a drunk old man and some bad juju.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Damn Wilcher Farley screamed into the entrance door to Sullivan's. You're all a vicious scum suckers who needs you. I didn't need you for my business and I don't know. His words continued to crassly slur profanities. He turned his sights to the shine on the wall highlighted by the moon where the bow bridge stood 50 yards away beyond the vast dogwood trees that lined the banks and finally the crystal shade of the lake after staring for five seconds, barely able to stop swaying. Farley started to hear whispers that flowed between the empty spaces of his brain. Those same whispers echoed from the rippling effects of the water puddles near him, but the old man was too drunk to notice to hell with it. I'm going for a stroke. He laughed to himself. Mrs Kay Sullivan attempted to rush out of the bar to inform Farley that his wife called asking if he would be coming home. He was too far down the street to hear and even if he did hear, the whispers would have pulled him harder towards the lake.