Radio/Podcast Promo Demo



Vocals with music to introduce podcast episode, promote sponsored event, or tease radio show content.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
are you a musician who's built up a social media presence, and now you're looking to make the leap from your home studio into the bona fide recording industry? The path to stardom used to be a long and winding journey, especially if you lived far away from an entertainment hub or didn't have any connections in the industry. That's why marketing yourself online is the way to go today. In this episode of Gold spotters were Over the Moon toe have guest host Charlie Collins, whose music video parodies unexpectedly catapulted him into a worldwide fame and landed him a record deal. Betty's Adventure Park wants to celebrate their 55th anniversary with your family. Kids under 12 get in free with a family of four or Mawr. Benny's Adventure Park Boise's place to play since 1964. Want tickets to the biggest rock festival this summer? Tune into 95 7. WFP Ikea The Jackal Tomorrow at 7 a.m. To find out who Charlie, the Cheese Factory, Torino and the Boys will roast on live radio as listeners battle for the last 10 tickets to heat wave