PS5, XBox and PC Video Game Trailer

Movie Trailers


Video game trailer for TemTem, available for Play Station 5, Xbox & PC.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sure tum tum tamers, it's time to team up and embark for some Panko Island. Clan Bell Soto is at it again and this time they're hijinks have resulted in dozens of new and powerful tempt um being released into the airborne archipelago. Tamers will have to use every technique at their disposal to tame these rare and previously uncatchable temp temp. The digital tempt um of Nanto slab have abilities unlike any other class of TEM TEM you've seen before. A few local tamers requested the return of the crystal skates and we're happy to oblige. But that's not all new methods of traversal will give tamers easy access to previously visited areas in the airborne archipelago and you'll need every advantage you can get for the first mythical tempt um, layer is awaiting you. And four of your friends assemble your squad and get ready for the toughest challenge in temp time yet. For tomorrow's new and old, the airborne archipelago and so Pancu Island are absolutely bursting at the seams with new adventures for you to embark upon. So what are you waiting for? It's time to tempt him up