Commercial, Informational and a Little Bark!

Profile photo for Jodi Beranger
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


From a sassy teen to a little diva dog to a woman in the Air force are just some of the voices I had fun playing.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my told Melissa Hey heard Julie telling Hunter that Ryan was bummed that it wasn't at the party on Saturday. Don't you get it done so out of the loop without on your phone? Every summer I spent hours at the beach flying brightly colored kites with my dad are high flying. Adventures inspired me not only to move to the coast but to start the shoreline. Kite Company Fire is the most destructive threat to our forests and wildlife. Thousands of acres of trees are destroyed by fires annually to learn how you can help preserve our forests and protect our wildlife. These days, everyone is health conscious, but when you eat out, it's hard to tell which foods on the menu are really healthy. Wouldn't it be fabulous if you could order good food without having to worry? Anything started in show business is learning how to sit play dead. And, of course, mark on cue takes it out of a dark. When I was a kid, I used to get in trouble for staring at the sky when I should have been paying attention in class. Now that I'm flying fighter jets everyday staring into the sky is what I do. I spent the last two years wearing braces. I wanted a perfect smile. But why stop there? Avalanche Teeth Whitener has made my smile better. Brighter than even more perfect. Hi, I'm Jodi Barrenger. Thanks for listening.