Audio Clip from English, Radio News Presentation Broadcast

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News script conducted for ISAAC Network News (Isaac 98.1FM)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Caribbean (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The second phase of the Royal Caribbean group, Seafarers recruitment initiative in Trinidad and Tobago has been successfully completed. The Ministry of Tourism, culture and the arts. Announced via press release that during the period August 9-19, approximately 1300 applicants were interviewed virtually by a 19 member recruitment team. Aspiring applicants were contacted directly by the group and given the choice to attend the interviews at home or at Queen's Hall Porter Spain and Shore Park complex in Scarborough. To date, close to 1000 applicants have received letters of offer from the group outlining the position being offered length of contract and salary for a range of positions, including chefs, housekeepers, inventory managers, restaurant attendants, bartenders and doctors. Once applicants accept their office, they must complete a personal data form, conduct a more detailed medical assessment and once assigned, Royal Caribbean will cover the cost of visas, all training, as well as the cost of airfare to meet their assigned vessel.