Awesome, sincere and inspiring

Video Narration


This was a video narration for a company in Dubai, UAE

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What is it that makes us human? Is it merely our biological evolution over millions of years, or the giant technological strides we've made over the last few decades, or our ability to care not just for ourselves but for the whole of humanity as well? That is arguably the greatest leap forward in our evolution as a species. We are using our ingenuity, drive and compassion to address some of humanity's greatest challenges. And we do this by extending a helping hand to the planet, finding new ways to feed the world, helping build lives and livelihoods, relentlessly fighting invisible enemies, finding new ways to help the Earth. Breathe easier, protecting our own from threats of seen and unseen, making meaningful new connections across the globe, all with the help of technology that is, ultimately what makes us human. It's time for a movement towards a shared vision for a more hopeful future, a movement that galvanises our efforts in the same direction, upward and onward. Because we are not merely the futures architects, we are its guardians who will hand the torch to future generations who are inspired by the promises we make and the promises we keep with one eye on the stars and one ft firmly planted in the future, we are making one giant leap into a technology enrich. Tomorrow, what does it take to leak video? Mhm.