National Commercial Demo

Online Ad


75 second Commercial Demo that show cases, energetic, inspiring, caring, warm, and announcer reads

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
were ignited by people who push boundaries were fiercely independent, were on a quest for a better future. So raise a glass to the pursuit of happiness. Sam Adams pursue better. Edward jones agrees that life is for living. So let's partner for all of it. Start your retirement account today. Welcome to the happiest place on earth where you're happy is everywhere because this place has all the happy you never knew could exist only at the Disneyland resort. Fighting cancer doesn't start in tubes or bags, not in scans or scribbles. It doesn't even start in labs. It starts with you donate today at cancer dot org. That signature sound the power, the freedom american made motorcycles, Harley Davidson. We may be in a touchless world but we can still touch people's lives because now each time you pay with Mastercard, we'll donate to the Heart Foundation. The battle to belong begins united by purpose defined by the cause you fight for. No one can ever take away what it means to be Among the few, the proud, the marines