Horror Board Game Narration



I recorded the overview to be posted on a board game's Amazon page for promotion and act as an explanation of the rules

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome to dead sprint. You and your friends will be fighting and running your way through a zombie infested hospital while being pursued by an unstoppable horde of the undead, be the first person to make it to the exit or be the last person standing. Place the to start tiles together with the horde start tile first and the players start tile connected to it. Your player piece goes on the marked spaces, it may get crowded as you can share spaces. You start out with one first aid kit. The horde piece takes its place on the hoards start place the exit tile in a random spot halfway down in the strait tile deck at least eight tiles down. The further the exit tile is from the top of the deck, the longer your game, each player will get a turn before the horde takes its own before the cycle starts again with the next living players turn first, you'll draw an action card, you can have up to two cards. If you already have two, you must use or discard one if you choose to draw another. Each card will say how and when to use it. Stay ahead by tripping others with cards like trip a player or zombie guts, allowing you to walk past the undead or even summon zombies with necromancer cards. You can even block players from using their cards against you with the deflect card. Now you'll want to move. There are three dice included with the game, you'll roll the green dye to move, you can only move orthogonal. E keep in mind if you choose to go around or back for something that counts towards your movement. Number tiles includes spaces marked with diagonal lines which indicated as a blocked space. You must go around these when reaching the end of an unconnected tile and you're not done moving draw a new tile from either deck and lined the walls up with the previous tile. After placing the new tile populate the tile before continuing to move weapon icons have plus one plus two or plus three on them. And any weapon token with that number can be placed when you move across or land on these spaces. You may take the token, you can hold two health items and two weapon tokens at one time you may discard a token in your possession onto the tile in order to pick up a different token. If you land on or pass a space with a zombie, you must fight it, roll the red dye, this is your attack strength. If it's lower than the zombies health use any weapon tokens, you have to raise your attack strength. You can continue to move once it's defeated. If you cannot meet or exceed the zombies health number with your attack strength, you will be attacked at this point, you can use and discard a first aid kit or you will die and are out of the game. Using a first aid kit will end your turn. The other type of health token is adrenaline, which can be used at any time to grant you an extra movement. Roll the sham blurs will populate most of the board but watch out for the specials amongst them, such as the bloated splutter, who will damage every player next to it when it's act the enormous brute who is not so easily killed and don't forget to look down unless you are bit by the crawlers spread out across two spaces. These are what you place on the Z icons of each new tile. Every tile must include one special with the rest of the Z icons. If any populated with sham blurs, the horde is a three space wide piece. No one is safe as it moves after. Each player has had a turn. The horde will roll any player can roll the yellow dye for the horde which can move the horde 123 spaces at a time. However, if there are any undead left behind that players did not kill, they will be joining the hoard as it passes to move one extra space. For example, you leave two zombies behind and the horde rolls a three and passes them. The Horde adds them to its ranks and now moves five spaces on this turn. If a player is touched by the horde, they are automatically eaten and are out of the game. You can discard tiles as the horde passes as they are not in play any discarded tiles or cards can be reshuffled and used again. If you deplete the decks, which is unlikely, try not to get eaten and remember, you just have to be faster than your friends. Yeah.