Buzz Adams Promo

Profile photo for Buzz Adams
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Young Fun Guy Next door

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) Irish (General) North American (General) Spanish (Latino)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's the new Siri's critics are calling a thrill ride of all the days to be a dead man on the WB. The Fight of the Century. Coming to HBO You found us Box kids Saturday mornings only on Fox TV. It's Mom approved kid drool coming up on the Late Show joint. David Special guest Cheryl Crow Your local news is next. What is that when Kyle's mail order elephant gets to be too big to take on the school bus three. New retarded kick the boys get a great idea. Good going in all new soft part. Well, spank my *** and call me Charlie tonight at nine on Lee on Comedy Central, coming July 5th, kicking up one hour earlier with America's favorite chef. It's all happening tonight. Emerald Live right here only on the Food Network. This Sunday, there's 100 a one reasons to watch ABC Glenn Close You just wanting the morons in the network television premiere of 101 Dalmatians Sunday on The Wonderful World of Disney