Commercial Demo Authentic British

Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
They are remarkable storeys that defy logic on DH challenge. Everything we know about healing. Most car commercials like to use fancy locations to make a car look more attractive. But we figure, oh, I not just show an attractive car like the fuel sufficient Honda sedan. Just keeping it ria. Don't be a defeatist, dear. It's very middle class B bad. Fulfil your flavour fantasies. Kiss of an angel Gourmet chocolates. So is two in the morning and you're starving. Nothing in the fridge. Nothing in the cupboards. You don't even have dog biscuits. Over the centuries, Francois has been conquered by the Romans, attacked by the British, defeated by the Germans and divided by revolution. But next summer, France will be invaded by a force like no other rush hour. Three. Hurry. The Coleman Blinds annual sale is nearly over, so don't miss your chance to get up to 50% off. Hundreds of beautiful made to measure blinds and shutters. Grey wolves. They've been hunted, snared and persecuted throughout Alaska and Canada. Way. Need your help, your help to preserve this unique and amazing wolf for our Children, for our grandchildren and, most importantly, for our world