Jack Hardman Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Jack Hardman
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A range of products and services including car showrooms, travel to Europe, mobile phone networks, and a barber shop's styling products.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - East Midlands, Leicester) British (England - Yorkshire & Humber) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Jack Hardman thinking about selling your car may be already on the way to selling it on online. Carcela surface will stop. You could always go that way, but then the middlemen, before setting out on to the auction, also taking before they set up onto the dean. If you could just take a different cell it directly to us. Wilson Mark with no Meadow mental growth will beat the price of wheat by your card. Akane Guarantee is it? Wilson morgan dot com Today. Your valuation in minutes is your monthly data allowance. Here's all your tweets. An episode of Breaking bad. The problem with most mobile networks is come the end of the month. They take back whatever you haven't used. But New Chap Mobile is different goals and stained glass booth. Moulin Rouge A change of scene convening shift your whole perspective and help to see the world on yourself. You contemplated curious Tina, right From the moment you step on board and away, life lightens up and you become you again. You that says yes and dive straight in to the dance floor. Linger a big bowl of escargot that seizes day night A ll the weekend matter fire and shaping cream that can now be bought of our shave cream beard Oil on DH moustache wax. Ensuring your unique style is never behind The Times. Visitors online at Bid Smith's dot co dot UK Bed Smith's quality grooming.