Valley Bank National Ad - Authentic - Caring - Warm - Grounded - Real

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Television Ad


I voiced this National Ad for Valley Bank, thanking their customers for sticking with them through Covid-19

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We've been getting your calls, emails and shout outs. Thanking Valley for working around the clock for your business. But these quotes, they're not from you. They're from us to you to all the small business owners out there, keeping our furry friends healthy. Our pearly whites, pearly, our community humming. We don't know where we'd be or where our communities would be without you. So, securing 11,000 S B A paycheck loans and helping save over 170,000 jobs during COVID-19. Well, that's just our way of saying thanks for everything you do for us.