Video Game Demo - Justin Cabanting

Profile photo for Justin Cabanting
Not Yet Rated


Demo reel showcasing character voice over range and abilities, featuring the more narrative concentrated aspects in video games - from a bright voice adolescent to an malefic, aged villain.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Japanese North American (General) North American (US Upper Midwest - Fargo, Minnesota) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
armed hostile spotted on the roof, confirmed. Armed hostile. Is the target? You are clear confirmed. What's happening to him? I don't know the subject is going out of control. He's mutating since you two have caused the biggest crimes out of the group. I'm taking you out first outside Rata, locked inside a cage When they killed my boy inside Rata, they hollowed them out and locked me in. Of course I did. But Alice. How can I be sure a deceitful demon like yourself will keep her promises if you want the stone, then break the seal first. I don't think you were aware of our customs. The people must gain back their honor by rebuilding the towns in their leader's image hose this. I could use a stiff drink. I asked for busty barmaids to be honest. I always thought it was dumb. We called ourselves adventurers. Look who it is. I say you settle this little grudge you've dealt with papa clint. Who the heck are you? And what are you doing in my napping spot? I am the leader. The strong, the Berlin, the one the only master coca