Video Game Demo - Various Fantasy Characters

Profile photo for Justin Dinh
Not Yet Rated


From a deranged and unstable minion of the shadows to a vampire noble, addressing his underlings, this compilation of characters and impressions range from the arrogant and self-important to the crazed and domineering.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yes. Yes, I see it. Now, I hear that your majesty, they too have been touched by the absolute power, your power. If it is thy will for me to surrender the lantern, then I shall I will. My my. Could this truly be the prodigal son? Do not slouch before me. Boy, I strove for perfection in all things. A pity. You amounted to so little despite my efforts, forgive you never forgave anything. Every mistake and every slip was punished. Oh, insignificance, dispose of one of my underlings and 10 more shall fill its ranks. You face an uphill battle stranger. May I suggest you flee please? I'm just a friendly orange tabby. I'm just here to follow Master Nicholas to the post office. I am sure he would appreciate it. If you pointed us in the right direction. You think you can actually bargain with me excessively foolish leave now and be grateful. I allow you to depart with your will. Still your own. These impostors, these Charlatans in your ranks, they bow, they salute, they pledge. But all the while they plot behind your back, allow me to deliver justice, your justice to these vermin