Kaelin Denton General Voice Reel

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General voice reel, comprised of various commercials, PSAs, eLearning, radio talk, etc.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
According to the Big Bang theory, the universe originated about 13.8 billion years ago by expanding from a single point when the universe reached 2500 degrees c the different chemical elements form Galaxies like the milky way that is home to our solar system. Ladies and gentlemen gather around and listen up. We're about to dive deep into the world of the NBA where the legends who never won a championship reside. Now, I know what you're thinking. What's the deal with these phenomenal players missing out on the ultimate prize? Well, let me tell you, it's a story that will leave you scratching your head and shouting. Say what Oxfam is a truly global movement working in more than 70 countries across the world, helping people in most need, fight against injustice and poverty. We're building and supporting communities everywhere and giving vulnerable single parents and Children a chance to grow, making a real change in their life. Lions live in Savannahs, grasslands, bushes and woodlands. They are the most social of all the big cats and are the only cats to live in family groups called prides in the heat of every single moment, you can live a lifetime with a glimpse. You're transported to the ends of the earth, to the dawn of time to the limits of your imagination and beyond, beyond, beyond capture the world and bring it home with National Geographic video, undeniably collectible. I love all films that start with rain, rain braiding, a window pane with Spotify. It's easy to find the right music for every moment on your phone, your computer, your tablet and more. There are millions of tracks on Spotify. So whether you're working out partying or relaxing, the right music is always at your fingertips. Soundtrack your life with Spotify. Hey there, thanks for coming in and welcome to National Storage to begin a rental approach. The kiosk, you can also visit our website or you can call us for fast and easy assistance. The best in music and entertainment starts right here on station 84.1 people, Bryson. But if all the raindrops here on station 84.1 hey, speaking of raining candy, did you know there are health benefits towards eating candy? So parents next time your kids asked to, you know, go out and play in the rain, maybe that's not a bad idea, you know, for them to catch some lollipops and even some, you know, I guess butterscotch candy or some. Do they still make those? I don't know. But you again, if that ever did exist, but hey, you can't have rain without the sunshine and we have plenty of that here on station 84.1.