Kaelin Denton Radio and Podcast Demo



Example of my on-air personality, which can keep a listener attentive and interested.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The best in music and entertainment starts right here on station 84.1 people, Bryson with all the raindrops here on station 84.1. Hey, speaking of raining candy, did you know there are health benefits towards eating candy? That's right. Candies that primarily consist of peppermint and mint such as candy canes have digestive benefits such as peppermint oil that can help soothe an upset stomach and even mid flavored gum increases short-term memory, heart rate and even the amount of oxygen in the brain. So parents next time your kids ask to, you know, go out and play in the rain, maybe that's not a bad idea, you know, for them to catch some lollipops and even some, you know, I guess butterscotch candy or some do they still make those? I don't know. But you again, if that ever did exist, but hey, you can't have rain without the sunshine and we have plenty of that here on section 84.1 and coming up on sports here on this top of the hour, Carmelo Anthony has decided to retire from the NBA after 19 seasons, 10 all star appearances and the number nine all time scorer. In other news, lebron James is considering retirement after him and the Lakers were eliminated from the Western conference finals by the Denver Nuggets. You know, the amount of information that kids are getting attacked with these days, it's hard for them to know which way is up and it's hard for them to know what's right and what's wrong. Yeah. Well, you know, kids can't just figure this stuff out for themselves. You know, someone has to step in and get that context. Someone has to tell them what it all means. It's true. But I don't know how you influence them otherwise, if they're getting the wrong thing at home. Yeah. You just hope that someone is trying to do the right thing. Yeah, I can offer you.