Corporate Audiobook Documentary Narration

Profile photo for Keda Edwards Pierre
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Relatable, trustworthy, warm, compelling and friendly. Credible, engaging and refined vocal tone in Corporate and News Radio. Articulate with extensive and diversified experience in Policing, Education and Holistic Health for Academia, E-Learning, Explainers. Positive, Energetic and Insatiably Curious - bringing life and authenticity to Storytelling, Academia, Documentaries, E-Learning, and Explainers.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey there, I'm Keita Edwards, Pierre. With lessons learned from the Greeks, the Romans create a powerful empire to move their armies around. They built a system of roads all over the known world Room built the first World Wide Web, and it's leading us into the future. But then we hit a roadblock. Rome falls and the Great Library of Alexandria is burned. Much of our learning is destroyed, lost forever or so we think. It turns out there are copies of some of these books in the libraries of the Middle East being watched over by the Arab and Jewish scholars. Call it the first backup system. Books are saved and with them our dreams of the future. Your communication style is as unique as a fingerprint. It allows you to express who you are, understand the world around you and help the world understand you. In our professional lives, communication allows us to exchange information and ideas, collaborate, negotiate, motivate, lead and follow. But the communication process is far from perfect. All too often, it falls. Short causes misunderstandings. Why, According to cross cultural management expert Dr Nancy J. Adler, theme answer lies in the nature of communication itself.