Commercial's Demo

Profile photo for Keith Krzeminski
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
there shouldn't be this much flavor and a single burger. Any burger, no matter what it's made off The Impossible burger from Burger King. It's like the entire world is trying to put you in a box. This is your chance to break free to completely reimagined for escape. Things don't always get better for some people. The pain on Lee gets worse until someone like you steps in. Learn how you can help but Salvation Army Dot or GTA I'm a sensitive guy. I love puppies. I cry at the end of movies, and they get crazy tooth pain when I drink something cold. Colgate Total relieves my tooth sensitivity so I can enjoy this romcom with a cold one doom or for your whole mouth. We're ring. We make the thing that lets you see who's on your doorstep. Ring alarm system. Reinventing Home Security Here a Jim Beam We've built a reputation one barrel at a time, but we're still pushing ourselves every day to make the world's best bourbon Even better. That's the Jim Beam legacy